Equipping Church Leaders

For more than 30 years, Catholic Leadership Institute has equipped and formed Church leaders to create profound impact at every level of the Church. But what about the next 30 years?

Catholic Leadership Institute x. RBN Foundation

Catholic Leadership Institute x. RBN Foundation

Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) provides bishops, priests, religious, deacons and lay persons in the Roman Catholic Church with world-class, pastoral leadership formation and consulting services. These programs strengthen their confidence and competence in ministry, enabling them to articulate a vision for their local church, to call forth the gifts of those they lead, and to create more vibrant faith communities rooted in Jesus Christ.

After many years of experience in leadership training, CLI developed a concept that partners with a bishop, pastors, and lay leaders to strengthen the diocese from the ground up. The organization had successfully piloted this approach and more “clients” was not the problem. The issue was scaling which would enable CLI to put the project into more locations (dioceses and parishes). Scaling required CLI to hire, train and increase staff so that it could serve more parishes.

The Challenge

“If there was ever a time to do something significant, it’s right now!” states Rob. With sacramental numbers down and new realities facing parishes and dioceses post-pandemic, the ministry of Catholic Leadership Institute is needed now more than ever. The Church needs support, accompaniment, and new pathways forward.

Bill Orosz, former Chair of CLI’s Board of Directors, shares, “The generosity and leadership of Rob and Berni Neal have positioned CLI to make a tremendous impact at a critical turning point for our Church. It was an honor to work alongside them on our Board of Directors. They never stop raising the bar, and they root every decision in strong faith. Their $5 million gift is part of a much broader vision for the Church, and I am proud to partner with Rob and Berni in this vision.”


Rob and Berni Neal hope that partnering with CLI will have a lasting impact on our Church. A more equipped priesthood creates a better parish for everyone.

Diocese Served
Good Leaders, Good Shepherds Dioceses
Parish Leaders trained through Parish Missionary Disciples
Bishops served through any CLI Service
Priests served through any CLI service
Priests Served through Called for More
Seminarians Served through any CLI Service
Parish and Diocesan Staff Served through any CLI Service
Total Responses to Discipleship Maker Index Survey